Talia's Legacy Children's Cancer Foundation — Uncategorized
Glam Wars- Florida Hospital for Children 2015
Talia's Legacy hosted a Glam Wars event at Florida Hospital for Children on December 7, 2015. All of the participants enjoyed a day filled with fun COVERGIRL makeovers and manicures!This sure was a day to remember. Lots of love to all of our beautiful new friends!
Arnie's March 2015
March 17th, 2015 We joined Arnie's March for the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Childen. We marched for the children and their families that are facing the hardships childhood cancer brings. We were surprised to see how many more people came out to support Talia's Legacy along with so many more teams marching for a CURE. As we plan and prepare for each year to come we are hopeful that funding and awareness will continue to grow. We have our sights set on a CURE.
100 Percent
childhood cancer congress funding for childhood cancer more funding pediatric cancer step up Uncategorized
100% - Is What the Survival Rate Should Be For All Kids with Cancer DAY 7: KIDS ARE NOT JUST LITTLE ADULTS If your child spikes a fever in the middle of the night, do you give him two adult ibuprofen tablets with a glass of water? No, instead you reach for the bottle of children’s ibuprofen because you know the adult tablets could be harmful to him. If your child is in pain because she has broken a bone playing soccer, do you relieve her distress with vicodin or oxycontin? No, because again, you know that they could be...
30 Percent
childhood cancer congress funding for childhood cancer more funding pediatric cancer step up Uncategorized
30% - The Amount of GOG Federal Funding Cuts Over the Past Ten Years Day 6: 30% - amount of COG federal funding cuts over past 10 years (adjusted for inflation) "...This is a societal injustice that is not made public because children do not have a voice. They are not represented in the media, government, or corporate worlds. They cannot organize massive fundraising drives for themselves, and they are not able to gain the attention of adults who can do something about their plight. Pharmaceutical companies stay away because there is no profit in pediatric cancer research, the government...
90 Percent
childhood cancer congress funding for childhood cancer more funding pediatric cancer step up Uncategorized
90% – The Number of Kids with Cancer Treated at COG (Children’s Oncology Group) Hospitals "Most kids in Alabama spend 180 days in school each year. Due to John Oliver’s cancer diagnosis, the accompanying intensive treatment plan, and his weakened immune system, he has missed his entire first-grade school year. Instead, my sweet boy has spent 180 nights in the hospital, and countless days visiting the outpatient oncology clinic for complete blood counts (CBCs), doctor exams, blood and platelet transfusions…and then there were the frantic trips to the Emergency Room to manage the frighteningly sudden onsets of fevers, pain,...