Talia's Legacy Children's Cancer Foundation
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30 Percent

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30% - The Amount of GOG Federal Funding Cuts Over the Past Ten Years

30% Funding Cuts to COG Day 6: 30% - amount of COG federal funding cuts over past 10 years (adjusted for inflation) "...This is a societal injustice that is not made public because children do not have a voice. They are not represented in the media, government, or corporate worlds. They cannot organize massive fundraising drives for themselves, and they are not able to gain the attention of adults who can do something about their plight. Pharmaceutical companies stay away because there is no profit in pediatric cancer research, the government fails to step up, and our children—our neighborhood kids, and our schoolmates—are stuck with the cancer treatments we have been using for the last fifty years. Something has to change. We can be the difference. Standing up, speaking out, holding firm and not backing down—that is the example Rosa Parks left us. It cannot be more applicable than now. Spread the word, state the facts and see the change. Without an increase in funding for childhood cancer, we will still be using the same old treatments fifty years down the road. Surely the children of our communities deserve better. I know my brother did..." Read the rest of the posts from the families of kids who lost their lives due to poor funding for childhood cancer by clicking here.  

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