90% – The Number of Kids with Cancer Treated at COG (Children’s Oncology Group) Hospitals
"Most kids in Alabama spend 180 days in school each year. Due to John Oliver’s cancer diagnosis, the accompanying intensive treatment plan, and his weakened immune system, he has missed his entire first-grade school year. Instead, my sweet boy has spent 180 nights in the hospital, and countless days visiting the outpatient oncology clinic for complete blood counts (CBCs), doctor exams, blood and platelet transfusions…and then there were the frantic trips to the Emergency Room to manage the frighteningly sudden onsets of fevers, pain, and nausea. That adds up to more than an entire school year of my son’s life spent within the confines of hospital walls. Rather than reading, playing at recess, and socializing with other children his age, Ollie’s daily schedule involved needle pokes, vomiting, more medicines than I ever thought possible, and a constant barrage of painful scans and tests"... Click Here to Read More of Sweet Ollie's Story