Talia's Legacy Children's Cancer Foundation
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Talia's Legacy Children's Cancer Foundation — funding for childhood cancer

100 Types

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100’s – The Number of Different Types of Cancers in Children #StepUp #SoundOff It is a parent’s worst nightmare: taking your child to specialist after specialist to diagnose the strange symptoms he or she is experiencing, only to hear the doctor utter those dreaded words “your child has cancer.” As the days, weeks, and months continue on, you find yourself mired in an entirely new and unfamiliar lexicon; words you thought you knew take on an entirely different meaning even as you begin learn a whole new vocabulary. Because “childhood cancer” isn’t as simple as it sounds. In fact, there are literally...

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71 Years

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71 Years Lost - The Average Amount of Years a Child Loses That Dies of Cancer Talia's Mom was asked by The American Childhood Cancer Organization, or ACCO, to write what she felt would happen if Talia has another 71 years of life, which is the average amount of time that is robbed from a child who dies from cancer. This video is very emotional and may be hard to watch all the way through, but it's important to understand why increased funding for Childhood Cancer research is so important. 71 LOST YEARS—A MOTHER'S PERSPECTIVE "What if she had another...

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Step Up: More Funding for Childhood Cancer

childhood cancer congress funding for childhood cancer more funding step up Uncategorized

Day 1: #StepUp - More Funding for Childhood Cancer Please click this Link and read how you can help!! Please help Talia's Legacy #StepUp for More Funding for Childhood Cancer. Day 2: 71 Years of Life Lost 

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