Talia's Legacy Children's Cancer Foundation
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Lake Eola Goes Gold


Light of Hope and Joy

Lake Eola Fountain is Going GOLD gold fountainFLYER_09102014Beautiful Orlando's Lake Eola's fountain is going GOLD September 12th, 13th and 14th In support of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Please join us for the Light of Hope and Joy Event, in turning Lake Eola's fountain GOLD on September 12th at 8:00pm. Please meet at the Amphitheater.  A candlelight vigil will be held for all the Central Florida families who's child is battling childhood cancer and for those children that have lost their fight. We want to thank Mayor Buddy Dyer for his support in bringing awareness to childhood cancer and for turning Lake Eola's fountain GOLD! Please show your support and wear gold, a picture of your child, your childhood cancer foundation shirt, or anything that you would like to show your support. Lake Eola Park - 195 N Rosalind Ave, Orlando, FL 32808

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